Let’s get this clear from the outset, Cards Against Humanity isn’t for everyone, and therefore it isn’t just for anyone…
If you buy this card game, not only are you saying something about the person you are buying the game for, but you are saying something about yourself too. You are saying we have a sense of humor, we don’t take life too seriously and we don’t know where to draw the line!!!
Should you be playing Cards Against Humanity with your parents, probably not. Will it create a memorable night, certainly.

The box contains 100 black cards and 500 white cards. The black cards have statements with missing text or questions that need an answer. The white cards have the appropriate or probably inappropriate answers to the questions.
One player draws a black card and places it on the table for all to see. It’s then the creative task of the other players to find the best white card they have to fill in the blank or answer the question. What’s the best answer? The player of the black card is the judge of that. All the white cards are played face down so the judge doesn’t know who played what. They then get to pick the winner.
Keep score, don’t keep score, that’s not really the point.
Here’s an example black card.
Instead of coal, Santa now gives the bad children…
..and the chosen white card to answer?

All in all that’s a pretty tame one. Be prepared for some very dark humor in the Cards Against Humanity box. Pinterest has a huge collection, take a look and you’ll soon get the idea.
Does Your Man want Cards Against Humanity? Yes he does.
You can buy Cards Against Humanity at most games stores, some stores won’t stock it because of the content. It’s one of the best selling games on Amazon.